Saturday, October 7. Room 3
Other Workshops (Paid & Unpaid)

8 AM - 9 AM, PART 1

9:15 AM - 10:15 AM,


Instructor: Deborah Walker

Massage therapy has been an accepted healing technique for human wellness for centuries.  Its therapeutic value of relieving muscular stress, tension, and soreness along with calming nerve endings and energizing the psyche has proven to be beneficial for both the physical and emotional health of the pet. In this innovative and intensive theory and practical skills presentation, Deborah will introduce you to simple but effective massage therapy techniques for pets.

Deborah will illustrate the location of major canine muscles and muscle groups.  She’ll discuss muscle physiology and conditions that may affect the dog should the muscles become strained due to stress, excessive or inadequate activity, or poor circulation. She will discuss the difference between methods used on the various muscles, and share the many ways massage therapy can be useful for pet care professionals, including specialized massage therapy services that may be offered to clients. Additionally, she will perform practical skills demonstrations of massage therapy techniques, and show you how to use massage and acupressure to improve the pet’s health and wellbeing. Individuals are welcome to bring their own pet for this session.


11:45 AM - 12:45 PM, PART 1

1 PM - 2 PM,


Instructor: J. Scott Wilburn-Woods

If I’m left-handed should I use right-handed or left-handed shears? Who makes left-handed shears and if I’m use to using right-handed shears, should I change? Is the [Grip] different for using left-handed shears? Are scissor techniques and methods the same for left-handed professional groomers and stylist? These and many others are the questions that will be answered by Scott Wilbur-Woods who has spent a life-time battling the problems presented simply by being a left-handed Stylist. If you are a left-handed groomer or stylist, this program is essential!


11:45 AM - 12:45 PM, PART 1

1 PM - 2 PM,


Instructor: Patsy Tallant

Description Coming Soon