Scott currently owns and operates two brick and mortar salons, a boarding facility as well as a mobile unit with a second and third unit on order. Scott is the co-founder of The Million Dollar Mobile series as well as an award winning competition pet stylist. Scott’s newest passion in life is to help others be as successful in the grooming world as he has become. Scott’s Personal Statement: “My career started at the early age of 10 years old when I groomed my grandmothers St. Poodle with a pair of dull kitchen shears and I guess I was hooked for life. Forty-six years in the pet industry have evolved into the best career anyone could ask for. I wake up every morning and ask myself what do I get to do today. Life sometimes will send you a curve ball, in 2020 not only did Covid change the world, one of my salons burned down in a shopping center fire. Both of these events took all of my experience and knowledge to survive as a business. Oh yeah, I’m married, have 2 rotten American Pitbull Terriers named Abraham and Cleo, 30 or so Koi fish and I love to go camping in the mountains, 4 wheeling anywhere and everywhere and speed around the lake on my Jet Ski’s.”